
Posts Tagged ‘C & C Provisions’


C & C Provisions

I guess there is nothing more irritating than a mother crowing about the accomplishments of her children but, if you will indulge me for a moment, I think I really do have a legitimate “crow”.  My son, Chris, has started a new business that is still in its infancy but we envision it becoming a very substantial one.  It is called C & C Provisions based in Corte Madera, California.  He doesn’t have a website yet – it is in the works.

He began a few years ago making a delicious country pâté for himself and slowly people began asking for him to share.  He realized he had a passion as he has moved on to curing his own meats, building a curing refrigerator and expanding his whole line of charcuterie.  He now makes coppa (many different cures), pancetta, bresaola, guanciale, bacon, lonza, hot and sweet Italian sausage, Willa’s breakfast sausage (named after his little daughter who loves it), chicken liver mousse, pork and duck rillettes.  He has a culatello in the works and is moving up to prosciutto.  Along with these extraordinary meats, he is pickling vegetables, curing fish, making cheese and once a week offering a family meal which is usually a one pot dish that will feed a hungry family.  All while he still is in the business of selling wine…..

From time to time I will add updates as we watch him grow and expand and settle into being a full-time charcutier.  And, I hope you will forgive my crowing about his accomplishments – self taught and perfection!

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